VIP Regen Med, LLC offering ExoQure Regenerative Medical Products as one of the Leading Providers of Stem Cells and Exosomes in Regenerative Medicine

VIPrivate Regen Med, LLC is an authorized sales and distribution vendor for one of the leading laboratories and manufacturers of the highest-grade Stem Cells and Exosomes available on the market.

*Click here to schedule a free ExoQure consultation.*

Click Here for a 30-minute free medical TeleMedicine consult and paid consults with experienced physicians well-versed in various regenerative medicine therapies.

Please visit our Medical Provider page for placing orders, sales inquiries, and distribution to qualified entities. Our product sales are exclusively associated with ExoQure Stem Cell and Exosome production.

We cater to the following entities:

  1. Medical Doctors with NPI numbers
  2. Medical Institutions
  3. Government Health Agencies and Educational Institutions for research

If you represent another qualified institution, please use the website’s contact form to get in touch with us. We also offer Zoom Calls with our Telemedicine Physicians or ExoQure representatives to learn more about product quality standards and uses.

For information about ExoQure’s Quality Standards, visit their website Our manufacturing processes adhere to the guidelines set by the World Stem Cells Society. The process to manufacture Exosomes is standardized to 4 low passages. The Cells are used four times using the same media, after which the new cord is employed. Wharton’s Jelly is collected from healthy females through C-Section in a consensual and legal manner. These four passages are completed within 56 days.

As we manufacture Stem Cells and Exosomes ourselves, we can maintain the highest quality while offering the most competitive prices in the market. Our prices are determined based on the quality of the product, making them the lowest available.

We provide various options, with offerings of up to 100 billion Exosomes per vial for various conditions and applications, including but not limited to:

  1. Anti-Aging, Rejuvenation, and Aesthetics with remarkable results that are replacing other common methods
  2. Treatment of Sexual Dysfunction
  3. Hair and Skin Rejuvenation
  4. Cognitive and Brain Health
  5. Treatment of Brain Injury and Neurodegeneration
  6. Promotion of Organ Health
  7. Treatment of Sports Injuries that were often considered career-ending or diminishing the value of a professional or scouted amateur
  8. Treatment of Joint Disease and Joint Injuries often treated surgically
  9. Management of Muscle Injuries

Check out our resources on exosome therapy:

Terence Kerrigan
Founder & CEO

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  •  With respect to patient privacy and HIPAA regulations, no patient information will be disclosed.
  •  VIP Regen Med LLC and Global Private Home Care LLC do not make any claims or promises to ‘cure’ any disease or guarantee any specific results. It is essential for patients to make informed decisions and conduct due diligence to understand and assume the reasonable risks associated with any medical procedure.

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Regenerative medicine AKA orthobiologic therapy has the potential to heal damaged tissues in your body. It gives hope to people with conditions that conventional medicine cannot readily fix. Instead of highly addictive drugs or invasive surgery, regenerative medicine uses the body’s own healing mechanism to fight and repair the damage. You can literally heal your pain away!

At VIPrivate Care Clinic, we use the latest techniques in regenerative medicine to help those suffering from pain. Our treatments can make you feel better without the need for drugs or surgery.

What Conditions Do You Treat?

Knee- Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, ligament tears and sprains/strains (ACL, MCL. PCL, LCL), Patellofemoral syndrome, Meniscal damage and tears

Shoulder- Rotator cuff tears, sprains/strains, Tendonopathy, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Labral tears


Hip- Greater trochanteric bursitis, gluteus tendonopathy and sprains/strains, hip joint osteoarthritis, labral tears, hip adductor and abductor injuries.


Elbow- Lateral and medial epicondylitis (Tennis and Golfer’s elbow), tendonopathy, elbow joint arthritis, ligament sprains/strains and damage such as Tommy John’s.


Wrist/Hand- Tendonopathy, arthritis of the thumb, hand, wrist, and finger joints, TFCC tears, wrist and hand sprains/strains


Ankle/Foot-  Ligament tears, ankle sprains, Arthritis of the ankle, foot, and toe joints, metatarsalgia, plantar fasciitis

Here are a few answers to a few common questions we receive about regenerative medicine.

What is Regenerative Medicine/Orthobiologic therapy?

Cellular therapy is the concentration that VIPrivate Care Clinic utilizes. Our physician injects a solution filled with your body’s own cellular healing materials and growth factors into a diseased or damaged tissue. We utilize advanced high definition ultrasound guidance to ensure pinpoint accuracy while injecting your orthobiologics directly into the treatment area. The growth factors will then help control the inflammatory response as well as begin to repair the damaged area.

What Type of Cellular Materials Do You Use?

VIPrivate Care Clinic harnesses your body’s own healing agents to repair damaged tissue uses cellular healing materials and growth factors that come straight from your very own bone marrow. Research has shown bone marrow concentrate is safe, complies with FDA CGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practice) and GTP (Good Tissue Practices) standards, and has been shown to target specific tissues in the body to repair the damage

Why do you use bone marrow concentrate?

Bone marrow is easily obtained. Your bone marrow can then be concentrated with minimal manipulation, per FDA guidelines. But most importantly, bone marrow contains adult stem cells which are closer in cell lineage to cartilage and tendon than fat cells. That means they have less to differentiate (change) to become the cells we need them to. Finally, there are many more clinical studies documenting the efficacy of bone marrow derived cells as compared to adipose cells.

Is Cell-Based Regenerative Therapy Safe?

Like any medical treatment, a question of safety is always a significant concern. But rest assured, our cell-based therapy programs are low risk. That’s because we use your own healing agents to initiate and augment your body’s healing response. Numerous studies have shown musculoskeletal cellular therapy to be safe. The risks of the procedure include infection, stiffness, swelling, or abnormal tissue growth. These risks are very rare. Other risks include swelling at the injection site or bruising at the bone marrow harvest location. You may feel some pain, nausea, and dizziness following the injection; however, the downtime is minimal, and you should be able to go back to your daily routine shortly after the treatment.

Can I Still Have Treatment if I Already Had Surgery?

If you had surgery but are still experiencing pain, you may still benefit from these treatments. However, it’s always best to consult our physician to see if our treatments are right for your case.

Can I still have an orthobiologic procedure if I have had a hip replacement?

Yes, the iliac crest bone, where we obtain the bone marrow, is not the bone that was replaced with your replacement surgery. It is relatively distant from your hip joint, anatomically speaking

What makes me a candidate for Orthobiologic therapy?

We base the recommendation for the therapy on multiple factors, including: your exact medical condition, failure of other treatment methods, joint alignment, age, activity level, and overall health.

What are some examples of musculoskeletal treatments using regenerative medicine?

At this point, most musculoskeletal treatments using orthobiologic therapy are performed at research centers as part of controlled clinical trials. Orthobiologic procedures are being developed to regenerate articular cartilage in arthritic joints, and to heal ligaments or tendons. These are detailed below.

Articular cartilage: The lining of joints is called the articular cartilage. Damage to the articular cartilage can frequently lead to degeneration of the joint and painful arthritis. Current techniques to treat articular cartilage damage use grafting and transplantation of cartilage to fill the defects. It is hoped that this healing process will create growth of primary hyaline cartilage to restore the normal joint surface.

Ligaments and tendons: Bone marrow derived cells may also develop into cells that are specific for connective tissue. This would allow faster healing of ligament and tendon inflammation and injuries, such as tennis elbow, ankle sprain, rotator cuff tear, or quadriceps/Achilles tendon ruptures.


Should I stop any medications?

We advise you to stop any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications 2 weeks prior to the procedure. You may continue to take aspirin if you are taking it for a heart-related condition or preventative purposes. We would suggest taking Tylenol to help any joint pain you have during this time; if you require something stronger, let us know.

Will taking blood thinners impact the outcome?

No. You may have some more bruising at the site of bone marrow harvest, however.

May I have a steroid injection into my joint prior to the procedure?

Yes, as long as it is at least a month prior to the procedure

Do I need to modify my activities prior to the procedure?



Does this all happen in one day? How long does it take?

Yes. If you are having an in-office bone marrow aspiration procedure, the aspiration typically takes about 15 minutes. There is approximately 30 minutes of processing time to allow our team to identify and concentrate your healing materials from your PRP and bone marrow. The injection thereafter into your diseased joints, ligaments, and tendons just takes a few minutes.

Does it hurt while the procedure is being performed?

For in-office procedures, our patients on average have rated the discomfort an average of 4 on a scale of 0-10, lasting typically less than a minute.


Symptoms after the procedure?

The most common symptom patients experience is swelling. Some patients will have some mild pain, which will mostly subside over the first few hours.

Activity modifications afterwards?

You are able to return to daily activities after 24 hours, but we ask that you refrain from high intensity exercise for 4 weeks.

Medication limitations afterwards ?

We prefer you avoid anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) such as Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil), Naproxen (Aleve) for a total of 3 months following your procedure. You may take them on occasion, but it is best if you do not take them “around-the-clock”. We recommend you try Tylenol instead, if you don’t have any issues preventing you from taking it (eg. liver disease). You may resume all your other medications immediately.

When can I return to work? Sports? What to expect for recovery?

This is best discussed with our physicians, because it will depend on the nature of your work or sporting activity, as well as the actual procedure you are having done. Often, returning to work is typically possible the following day. We ask you to “take it easy” with regards to sports for a few weeks after the procedure. This does not mean you cannot be active, but we would prefer you avoid impact activities to the joint area that was treated.

Why do I have these limitations?

When we use cellular therapy to treat arthritic conditions, we are trying to grow new cartilage, or tendon, or bone, or ligament depending on the treatment area.  Think of it like trying to grow a new grass lawn. You would not want to go run out on the newly sprouting grass right away. We do like the joint to see some “stress” – i.e. from everyday activities such as walking, or light activities such as biking – but we don’t want to “overburden” the healing area.

How much pain is there at the harvest site afterwards?

Very little. Most patients report a bruised feeling for a few days that does not affect their activity or function. Most patients do not feel they have to take even over-the-counter medications for this discomfort


What is the success rate?

The success rate varies widely depending on many factors – for example, your age, severity of joint problem, weight, and overall health. Generally speaking, on average, we are noting that 70-80% of our patients see meaningful improvements with the procedure.

How long do the benefits last?

We are hoping for a long term benefit because we believe that we are fundamentally changing the diseased tissues, we have good reason to believe that good results will last for several years

How long until I feel better?

This is highly variable depending on your diagnosis, recommended treatment, your overall health and fitness, activity level, age, and severity. Please ask our physicians regarding your specific case. We do note that patients will see improvements for up to 6 months to a year after a procedure. The initial recovery is related to the surgery, if any, that was performed. The later recovery is due to the actions of cellular healing.

Will I have to redo the procedure?

This is typically not necessary. We do not routinely schedule repeat injections. However, if you received a partial response, or a good response that “wore off” over time, then we would consider a repeat treatment.


What is the cost?

Please contact for the latest pricing.There are discounts available for multiple joints performed in one day. Because the procedure protocol will vary from person to person and because each person will have a unique condition to be treated, the pricing of procedures can vary considerably from patient to patient. An evaluation will give you a better idea of condition, treatment, and costs specific to your condition.

Does insurance cover the procedure?

No. At this point, we are unaware of any insurers covering this procedure for musculoskeletal treatment, including workers compensation and auto insurers. Insurers typically do not pay for procedures that are still considered investigational, nor will they pay until specific payment codes (CPT codes) are developed for that procedure.


Experience you can trust:

Our physicians have performed over a thousand orthobiologic procedures throughout the body spanning the largest joints down to the smallest ligaments and tendons. The perspective gained by performing this many procedures gives our physicians vital insight into what overall treatment outcomes can be expected. We take the time to identify whether you are a good candidate for our procedures using our extensive experience as our guide. Outside of safety, nothing is more important to our physicians and patients than achieving the very best possible results.

Post Procedure Rehabilitation Program:

Unique to VIP Clinic is our individualized post procedure rehabilitation program, built by our physicians alongside physical therapists who are among the few PTs to have vigorous hands-on experience treating regenerative medicine patients’ rehabilitation. How we rehabilitate the area after a procedure is performed is the single most important variable affecting results after the procedure. Our patients have CONFIDENCE that they are doing the right things and avoiding doing the wrong things while they rehab after their procedure.


Electronic intake forms to cut down on paperwork

Convenience Uber:

For patients who wish, we will cover the cost of your transportation both before and after the procedure so you don’t have to worry about driving after the procedure is done.


Dr. Michael Cantor was born in Staten Island, NY and is a graduate of Rutgers College at Rutgers University. He obtained his medical degree at New York College of Osteopathic Medicine in Old Westbury, NY. He completed his residency training in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Emory University in Atlanta, GA.

Dr. Cantor then spent the next three years performing cutting edge orthopedic stem cell procedures in Denver Colorado. During this time he successfully treated hundreds of patients with over 1000 regenerative medicine procedures ranging from children to professional athletes and seniors with chronic orthopedic issues such as arthritis, tendinitis, and ligament damage without the need for surgery.

Dr. Cantor could not be more proud or excited to help bring forth and further the revolution of non surgical orthopedic stem cell therapies to his home in the greater New York/ New Jersey area.

Dr. Cantor is a member of the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. He is board certified in Physiatry by the American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

Dr. Cantor has performed over 1000 unique stem cell procedures, giving him unique insight into what results can be expected for a particular treatment depending on body area and severity. Very few physicians nationwide have as much experience performing regenerative medicine procedures. He has given a TEDx talk about the subject matter, and has taken care of several professional athletes with outstanding results.

Phone :

NY: 646.926.3113   |   NJ: 201.353.1847

Licensed  – Insured  – Bonded – Accredited

*Our NJ agency is Accredited by CAHC*

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